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Amy Willmarth

Marketing and Sales Director

Brandermill Woods angle image

For over two decades, Amy has served Brandermill Woods in varying capacities, beginning her career here as Assistant to the Clubhouse Manager and accepting the role of Marketing Assistant, Move-In Coordinator, and Transportation Coordinator. After a five-year hiatus during which she and her family moved out of state, Amy returned to Brandermill Woods in 2000, taking on the many challenges of Human Resources Director, Resident Services Director, and finally in 2009, the Sales and Marketing Director. When given the opportunity to fill the position, Amy jumped at the opportunity. She says, “It’s easy to sell something that you truly believe in! I love to share my love of the community when touring prospective residents!” Her Bachelor’s degree is in Fine Arts.

Amy finds the most joy in watching new residents acclimate and thrive after making a move in to the community. “I’m so proud of the staff that help to fulfill the services and amenities that I promote.”

The garden outside of the Holly Inn was named in memory of Amy’s mother and father, as both of her parents spent time at the Brandermill Woods Health Care Communities.