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Status Update – A LETTER FROM CHARMAINE PREISS, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR MAY 4Brandermill Woods independent living angle


Monday, May 4, 2020

We have some new developments regarding COVID-19. It is with great sadness that we share that we lost two of our residents who had tested positive for the COVID-19 virus and had other underlying medical issues. Please keep their families in your thoughts and prayers.

On Friday, May 1, 2020, we acquired enough test kits to administer tests to all residents who live in Assisted Living/Memory Care. Based on the results we received, we have twelve (12) residents from our Memory Care who have tested positive. We have nine (9) residents out of a total of thirty-seven (37) who live in the Assisted Living on 2nd and 3rd floors who have tested positive. All employees who work in the Assisted Living/Memory Care are entering through the Memory Care entrance. All residents on 2nd and 3rd floors who tested positive are being quarantined to their apartment.

At this time, we have no positive cases of residents or employees in The Haven or Independent Living communities.

As of today, May 4, 2020, eight (8) employees, six (6) in Assisted Living and two (2) in Health Care Dietary, have tested positive and are quarantined at home. We are following the “Criteria for Return to Work for Health Care Personnel with Confirmed or Suspected COVID-19” guidance issued by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

We have ordered additional test kits from an outside source which should arrive in the next few days. Our plan is to test all employees who work in the Assisted Living and Health Care Dietary departments, once the test kits arrive. If any employee would like to get tested on their own, Brandermill Woods will reimburse them for the cost of the test.

We continue to follow all guidance set forth for privacy, patient care, employee safety, and efforts to stop the spread of COVID-19 as provided by our Medical Director, Chesterfield County and Virginia Departments of Health (DOH), Department of Social Services and the federal Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS).

I am happy to report that Brandermill Woods has secured its portion of the federally funded Payroll Protection Plan, which provides an immediate infusion of cash to support our operation.

Brandermill Woods appreciates your understanding as we continue to vigorously enforce the state’s decision to restrict non-medical visits into the facility at this time. We know it is hard for our families as we celebrate Mother’s Day. We especially encourage all families to participate in virtual visits.

For assistance setting up virtual visits (zoom, skype, etc.) at our Health Care Communities, please contact Trisha Pederson at 804-419-1178 or email her at tpederson@brandermillwoods.com. For assistance at our Independent Living Community, please contact Lauren Lee at 804-744-1173, ext. 261 or email her at llee@brandermillwoods.com.

We will continue to provide you with periodic updates with as much information as we can on our efforts to combat COVID-19. I would to thank all of you for the patience and understanding you have shown to our employees. It has been made very clear that caring and understanding are two of the best practices to overcome any obstacles. On behalf of the entire Brandermill Woods Team, I want to thank each of you for your continued support, patience and prayers. It means a great deal to us.