Independent Living Protocol Updates 08-06-2021Brandermill Woods independent living angle

Independent Living Protocol Updates 08-06-2021

Friday, August 6, 2021

The following protocol changes are effective immediately at the Independent Living campus. All other current protocol will remain the same. We follow the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Governor’s Orders to develop our protocols. As their guidance and regulations change, we will adjust our protocol. Stay tuned to BWTV channel 970.

Wearing Masks

·       Staff, residents, guests, contractors (including therapists) and caregivers are required to wear masks in common areas regardless of their vaccination status. Signs will be posted on all exterior doors of the Clubhouse and Apartment doors. Staff, contractors, caregivers and therapists will wear masks in resident units, too. Please notify your caregivers and guests. 

·        ONLY visitors who are vaccinated are permitted in common areas and they must show vaccination card to the Front Desk and wear amask before going to common areas. Residents must be with their visitor at all times. 

·       No Guests will be allowed in the Dining rooms, fitness room, or pool because masks are removed in these areas.

·        Vaccinated visitors and caregivers in the Cottages don’t need to screen at the kiosk in the Clubhouse, but if they are not vaccinated they will need to continue screening at the kiosk. 

·        Because Chesterfield County is in the top 5 counties in Virginia with positive cases at 8.1%, we highly advise residents to wear masks while off-campus, too.

Amenities/Activities Update

·        Fitness Classes must keep residents 6’ apart since masks are not worn. This will allow20 residents to attend a class. The only fitness class where sign-up is required is Arthritis Class. Call ext. 204 between 8:00 – 3:00 the day before the class is offered. Monday class reservations must be made on Friday. (Jess is not here on Monday, August 9th, so videos will be shown and sign-ups are NOT required).

Guidelines for visiting the Health Care Center are different than Independent Living. Please refer to the website, to see the current visitation policy at The HCC.


Please remember, even if someone is vaccinated, they can still contract COVID-19. If you have the following symptoms: fever, sneezing, headache, runny nose, weak/tired, please call your physician first and then call the Wellness Nurses. Do not visit any common areas while experiencing these symptoms. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Kristen Moore at 521-8273. Thank you for your assistance in keeping our community safe and healthy.