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Important Status Update on Health Care Community PPSBrandermill Woods independent living angle

Important Status Update on Health Care Community PPS

Friday, July 17, 2020

We have known from day one that there would be days where we would have to take steps backwards which sums up the past few days. Today we received the results of our point of prevalence survey in our Health Care Community and discovered that four of our employees have tested positive. On the bright side, all 77 residents and the 158 staff members tested negative. We are still waiting on the results from 10 tests. As of now, all four employees are isolating at home and at the moment are not showing any symptoms of the virus.

Our next step at our Health CareCommunity is weekly testing of all residents and employees until we get two consecutive weeks of ALL negative results. Even though it is disheartening that we have to continue testing, we can all take pride in the fact that our residents are all negative.  It is also clear that the PPE that our employees don every shift is effective.  

We’ve been down this path before and faced much worse so I’m confident we can manage through this again. What we need from everyone is a commitment to follow the guidelines in place. Please wash your hands frequently, please wear a mask when in public and please practice social distancing. We all know what this virus can do when it spreads across communities like ours and we have already lost too many of our loved ones and friends.

Please stay safe and if you have any questions please give me a call.

Charmaine Preiss, Executive Director