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Status Update from Charmaine Preiss, Executive Director — 11/16/2020Brandermill Woods independent living angle

Status Update from Charmaine Preiss, Executive Director — 11/16/2020

Monday, November 16, 2020

Independent Living Community

We were informed today that an employee who works at our Independent Living Community has tested positive for COVID-19. The employee contracted COVID-19 outside our community and has not been to work since November 11, 2020.  

We have completed contact tracing, and there was one resident directly exposed to this employee and is quarantining at home. We will contact anyone who we are aware of who has been in close contact with this resident, it is a secondary exposure. They will be asked to monitor their temperature and symptoms for the next seven (7) days.  

Our Maintenance and Housekeeping departments are blue lighting and performing extra disinfecting to all areas that the contact tracing has designated are at risk.  

Due to the increase in positivity rates in Chesterfield County, the Dining department has made the decision to delay allowing 4 residents to a table until further notice.  

It cannot be stressed enough to PLEASE continue to follow the core principles of COVID-19 infection prevention. We must remain vigilant in following these guidelines. Wear a mask at all times when around others, wash your hands frequently and use hand sanitizer, always maintain social distancing of at least six feet, everyone must be screened before entering our community, follow enhanced safety and disinfection recommendations from the CDC, CMS and VDH and, last but not least, stay home if you do not feel well and contact your physician.

We will send updates as there are new developments or if there are any new cases of COVID-19 in our community. Transparency about our COVID-19 response and cases to our residents, families and employees is very important to us. To stay informed, please check our website for update, www.brandermillwoods.com.

Thank you for your continued support during this pandemic. Your encouragement is so beneficial to all of us on the Brandermill Woods Team!