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Status Update from Charmaine Preiss, Executive Director - 7/6/22Brandermill Woods independent living angle

Status Update from Charmaine Preiss, Executive Director - 7/6/22

Wednesday, July 6, 2022

To all Independent Living Community residents:

We continue to work tirelessly to keep our residents and team members safe. Our Wellness Nurse team and others have done an amazing job of monitoring and testing throughout the pandemic. We appreciate the support we have received from residents, their families and guests, and our vendors. The management team along with our Infection Control Preventionist will continue to review the recommendations provided by the Virginia Department of Health and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention based on the transmission level for Chesterfield County.

As of today, the positivity rate for Chesterfield County is High. Recommended actions based on our current level:

·      Wear a mask indoors in public and on public transportation.

·      Stay up to date with COVID-19 vaccines.

·      Get tested if you have symptoms. If you are at high risk for severe illness, consider taking additional precautions. Contact your healthcare provider for advice.

Our Independent community has recently had cases, and thankfully all cases have been mild. We attribute this to our residents’ COVID-19 vaccination status of being “up-to-date.” As a reminder, because of the close nature of exchanges within our Independent Living community, if you test positive for COVID or become aware that you have been exposed to someone who has tested positive for COVID, please notify one of the Wellness Nurses immediately for the current protocols based on your situation. It is highly recommended that residents and their guests who are not up-to-date on their vaccination wear a well-fitted mask when entering all common areas.

All visitors, caregivers, and vendors are required to complete the screening questions and for a temperature check prior to entering the building at the Clubhouse or West Addition. If a visitor, caregiver, or vendor is not up-to-date, we highly recommend they wear a well-fitted mask. We suggest that visits that include persons who are not up-to-date take place outside whenever possible.

Please see the updated protocols as of today, July 6, 2022. As always, you will be notified if there is a change in the level of transmission in Chesterfield County and Brandermill Woods protocols.

Should you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to call or email us at cpreiss@brandermillwoods.com or Kristen Moore at kmoore@brandermillwoods.com.