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Status Update from Charmaine Preiss, Executive Director — 02/17/21Brandermill Woods independent living angle

Status Update from Charmaine Preiss, Executive Director — 02/17/21

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Independent Living Community (ILU)

We were informed today, February 17, 2021, one of our ILU kitchen employees tested positive for COVID-19. We are in the process of completing contact tracing. All residents and staff who had an exposure to this employee will be notified to quarantine or closely monitor their temperature and symptoms. As an extra precaution, all Dining department employees are being tested for COVID-19.

An updated Protocol will be distributed by Friday, February 19, 2021, concerning new openings and procedures that will be effective Monday, February 22, 2021. If our COVID-19 status changes, we will have to evaluate and make changes as necessary. Please continue to monitor our website www.brandermillwoods.com for all updates and stay tuned to BWTV. Your Resident Apps are also a great source of new information.

Also, beginning Monday, February 22, we will not be requiring caregivers to continue the weekly COVID testing IF they have been fully vaccinated (2 weeks since their second dose). Fully vaccinated caregivers would have to present their official CDC card to prove their full vaccination status every shift. They would continue to screen at the Clubhouse kiosk before every shift and wear a KN95 mask. We will continue to provide weekly testing to non-vaccinated private or family caregivers at least through March 11. Caregivers who are NOT fully vaccinated will be required to wear N95 masks. This will be in effect until at least March 11.

On February 25, 2021, we will have our final vaccination clinic through the CVS program. Residents who are getting the second round of their vaccine will be called by Activities of their appointment time.

Please continue to wear your mask, social distance 6 feet apart and wash your hands regularly. We are happy to report the positivity rate for Chesterfield County as stated on the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) website has decreased to 12.4%. We will continue, as mandated, to test all Health Care Community employees twice a week until the positivity rate drops below 10%. We continue to follow all CMS, CDC, and VDH guidelines.

Your continued support and encouragement are appreciated!