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Status Update from Charmaine Preiss, Executive Director — 01/27/21Brandermill Woods independent living angle

Status Update from Charmaine Preiss, Executive Director — 01/27/21

Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Health Care Community – The Haven, Assisted Living and Memory Care

Unfortunately, two of our residents from the Assisted Living tested positive for COVID-19 on 1/26/2021. In response to this, we tested all residents in the Assisted Living, Memory Care and The Haven, and all other residents were negative. All employee tests from Monday, January 25 were negative as well. We will also be testing all residents and staff twice a week for two weeks. All residents will continue to be monitored for any signs and symptoms. Any changes in a resident’s condition will be reported to our physician, and the family will be made aware.

The Chesterfield Department of Health was notified and has approved all processes we have implemented through February 9, 2021. As a precautionary measure, all Assisted Living, Memory Care and The Haven residents will be quarantined to their room for the next two weeks. Our Dining Department will switch to paper products to reduce the contact exposure.  

All window visits in the Assisted Living and Memory Care have been canceled. Please email Trisha Pedersen at tpedersen@brandermillwoods.com to schedule a virtual visit.  

We are happy to report the positivity rate for Chesterfield County as stated on the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) website has decreased to 16.3%.   We will continue, as mandated, to test all Health Care Community employees twice a week until the positivity rate drops below 10%.  We continue to follow all CMS, CDC and VDH guidelines. The direct care staff continue to wear N95 masks, and all employees continue to practice frequent and thorough hand washing. Employees continue to be screened daily for signs/symptoms prior to their shift.

CVS Pharmacy will be onsite for the next vaccination clinic on February 4/5, 2021 and a third clinic on February 25, 2021.  Please continue to check the blog on our website www.brandermillwoods.com for additional information.

As always, if there is a development of new cases of COVID-19 in our community, our current processes will change immediately, and you will be notified as soon as possible.

Please keep our residents battling COVID-19 and their families in your thoughts and prayers.  

We are thankful for the opportunity for everyone to get vaccinated. Thank you for your continued support.