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Important ILU Status Update from Executive Director—revised 8/21Brandermill Woods independent living angle

Important ILU Status Update from Executive Director—revised 8/21

Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Independent Living Community

We have just been informed that an ILU employee who is fully vaccinated has tested positive for COVID-19. The individual is isolating at home and doing well. We have completed contact tracing and no residents were exposed. We have notified the staff who were exposed, and fortunately, they have all been vaccinated. They will be tested, wear N95 mask, and will monitor for any symptoms for 10 days.  

Please remember, even if someone is vaccinated, they can still contract COVID-19. If you have the following symptoms: fever, sneezing, headache, runny nose, weak/tiredness,please call your physician first and then call the Wellness Nurse. Do not visit any common areas while experiencing these symptoms.

Thank you for your support as we navigate to the best of our ability. Your smiling eyes lift us more than you will ever know!