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Guidelines for Indoor Visitations at the Health Care Community — 03/12/21Brandermill Woods independent living angle

Guidelines for Indoor Visitations at the Health Care Community — 03/12/21

Friday, March 12, 2021

Please do not visit if you have any of the following symptoms: fever, chills, cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, fatigue, muscle or body aches, headache, the new loss of taste or smell, sore throat, congestion, or runny nose, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea or other new signs of illness. 

Indoor visitation privileges are contingent upon following the requirements below, which reflect the measures Brandermill Woods has deemed necessary to protect the health and safety of the Brandermill Woods residents and staff:

Please read the Coronavirus basic information below: 

  1. Physical contact between the visitor and a fully vaccinated resident is permitted with resident permission.  Mask must be worn at all times during physical contact.  Perform hand hygiene before and after the visit.
  2. To adhere to the Core Principals of COVID-19 two visitors will be allowed to ensure social distancing and infection control protocols.
  3. Visitors are required to complete the screening questions and have their temperature checked before entering the facility.  Face masks are required and sanitize hands upon entering the facility and frequently during the visit.
  4. Visits will be periodically observed by staff to ensure social distancing and adherence to mask requirements.  If the resident or visitor’s behavior is compromising the health and safety the visit may be ended per CMS recommendation.
  5. Visitors must go directly to the designated visitation area.  To reduce exposure to other residents and staff all visitation must occur in the designated area.  You may not have contact with other residents or staff.
  6. In adherence to the mask requirement eating and drinking are prohibited during visitation.
  7. Visitors are to observe the time limitations of the scheduled visit. This permits other residents and visitors the opportunity to share the visitation experience. 
  8. To adhere to infection control guidelines facility restrooms will be unavailable for use during visitation.

Thank you for adhering to our guidelines for the safety of our residents and staff, and enjoy your visit.

The team at Brandermill Woods