10 Creative DIY Projects to Engage your Brain & Relieve Stress Brandermill Woods independent living angle

10 Creative DIY Projects to Engage your Brain & Relieve Stress

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

It’s not easy to stay productive during the cold, bitter months of winter. But an afternoon craft project and a little creative ambience can do wonders to stave off seasonal affective disorder. DIY projects and simple creative exercise are great ways to relieve stress and improve quality of life.

Below are 10 projects to get your creative juices flowing and liven up your life. Who knows? You may discover a hidden talent for writing short stories, repurposing old boxes or even creating fun wall art out of popsicle sticks.

There’s no time like the present to start expressing your artsy side. Check out these 10 DIY projects to inspire your creativity and add some life to those long late-winter afternoons:

1. Popsicle Stick Wall Art. Glue popsicle sticks together in fun shapes such as snowflakes to add a little pop to your walls. For inspiration, check out this link and this link.

2. Candle Holder. Glue cinnamon sticks or pieces of decorative wood around the base of a candle to create a unique ambience. More ideas are here.

3. Twine Storage Basket. You can find baskets like these for sale, or you can use twine, a cardboard box and some paint to make your own creative storage container.

4. Learn calligraphy. Handwriting is out of fashion, which means if you can learn the art of hand lettering, the world of creative design is at your fingertips.

5. Get creative with your soap. Making your own soap is easier than you might think. Impress your friends with your new skillset and have gifts at the ready for special occasions.

6. Write a short story. Put some of your stories down on the page. What made your crazy aunt so interesting? What was the strangest day in your childhood? Write it out and see where the story goes.

7. Learn the art of origami. It doesn’t take much to get started, but there’s a lifetime of learning in this creative pastime.

8. Doodle! A sketchpad and something to draw with can lead to freeform creativity at its best. For a more dedicated approach, your community art center likely offers lessons.

9. Start a bullet journal. This term has popped up recently to describe a combination of to-do list, planner and diary. The system combines mindfulness with productivity. Learn more here.

10. Create a mini indoor garden. Finally, arguably nothing combines the therapeutic and aesthetic experiences better than gardening. Take a look at these projects for inspiration.