Decade’s End at Brandermill WoodsBrandermill Woods independent living angle

Decade’s End at Brandermill Woods

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Not only are we closing out another year but, somehow, another decade. With this New Year’s on the horizon, it feels like the future is truly here, the year people have been looking into crystal balls to ask, “What will the world look like in 2020?”

Much has changed over the past 10 years at Brandermill Woods, but if this is the future, we’ll take it. Our organization is thriving after more than 30 years in operation, and we get up every day excited to redefine retirement for seniors in Central Virginia.

Ten years ago, our country was still in the throes of the Great Recession. While our financials were stable, that time was a stressful period for everyone. Our residents were worried about their retirement investments (as were we all), and families were worried about job security and home values.

Uncertainty may exist around the world today, as it always does, but one interesting aspect of being in the senior living industry is you’re surrounded by a lot of wisdom. Many of our residents were born at the tail end of the Great Depression or during World War II, so they’ve experienced plenty of ups and downs, from Pearl Harbor to Watergate to 9/11.

They’ve seen it all, and “strength in longevity” would make a pretty good motto for our organization.

The biggest change over the past 10 years at Brandermill Woods has been our four-year expansion project, which we completed in 2017. With this major investment in our community, we added new amenities and upgrades while preserving the small-town feel our residents love. In addition to a beautiful clubhouse, we added more food options, a theater, a pool, and more space in general for us all to explore our hobbies and passions.

Finally, the biggest change this year occurred when Charmaine Preiss became our executive director after the retirement of longtime director Mira Pallotta. “I felt at home as soon as I began working at Brandermill Woods and have never not wanted to come to work,” Charmaine reflected as she began her new role at the beginning of her 16th year with Brandermill Woods.

Over the year, residents enjoyed countless outings to area restaurants, the symphony, playhouses, and others. On site, they’ve gathered over lively meals at our bistro, joined book clubs, played mah jongg, participated in Bible study, and much more.

At the end of a decade, we at Brandermill Woods feel like we’re just getting started. Happy New Years and Cheers to another great decade!